Research Assistant at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw.
Rafał Rutkowski (b. 1986), historian, works at the Center of History of Material Culture at the Institute for Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He completed his MA studies in history at the Department of History at the University of Warsaw, with a thesis on the christianization of Iceland (2011, supervisor: Prof. Jacek Banaszkiewicz). He completed his PhD on the chronicle Historia de antiquitate regum Norwagiensium in 2018 (supervisor: Prof. Jacek Banaszkiewicz).
His research interests include the history of historical writing, medieval intellectual culture, as well as early medieval Scandinavia and Slavic World.
His most important publications include:
- Norweska kronika mnicha Teodoryka. Północna tradycja historyczna wprowadzona w nurt dziejów powszechnych (koniec XX wieku), „Monografie FNP” series, Toruń 2019
- Why would the Skalds not have lied about the Rulers’ Expeditions and Battles? Some Remarks on a Relic of Medieval Attitude toward Sources in Modern Medieval Studies, „Acta Poloniae Historica”, 122 (2020), p. 165–179.
- The Platonic Concept of the Memory of Ancient Deeds in the Chronicles of Master Vincentius Kadłubek and Theodoricus Monachus, „Acta Poloniae Historica”, 112 (2015), p. 109–140.
- „In illa terra, ubi nullus antiquitatum unquam scriptor fuerit”. Historia jako składnik tożsamości ludu cywilizowanego (na przykładzie opowieści Mnicha Teodoryka o okolicznościach chrztu Olafa Świętego), „Studia Źródłoznawcze”, 53 (2015), p. 3–15.
- Dzięki komu Islandczycy nawrócili się na chrześcijaństwo? Konwersja widziana oczami średniowiecznych autorów, „Kwartalnik Historyczny”, 121 (2014), 1, p. 5–40.