Associate Professor at the Department of Medieval History, Faculty of History, University of Warsaw. Professor at at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Mateusz Bogucki (b. 1973), archeologist and numismatist, is Associate Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Bio- and Archeometry at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He is also Head of the Numismatic Studies Commission of the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and member of the Organising Committee and the International Advisory Board of the XVI International Numismatic Council (Warsaw 2022, www.inc2022.pl). Bogucki is also Editor-in-chief for the numismatic journal „Wiadomości Numizmatyczne”.
He completed his PhD in archeology at the University of Warsaw (2005) and habilitation (2015) at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His PhD thesis concerned the Viking Age trade and craft centers in the Baltic region (supervisor: Prof. Andrzej Buko).
His research interest include the economy of Central and Northern Europe in the Early Middle Ages, with a special emphasis on the Scandinavian-Slavic-Baltic contacts and the connections of the Baltic Rim with Western Europe and the Orient. He participated in the examination of the 9th – 10th century-settlement in Janów Podlaski (near Elbląg, identified as the famous emporium of Truso). Along with Dr. Marek Jagodziński, who discovered of this archeological site, Bogucki launched the “Truso Studies” publishing series.
As a numismatist, Bogucki focuses mainly on the circulation of silver in the Baltic zone in the 8th – 11th centuries, on the most ancient Polish coins, as well as on the imitation and counterfeiting of coins in the Early Middle Ages. These issues were the main topic of his habilitation dissertation in 2015: Polish and foreign coins in Early Medieval Poland.
Mateusz Bogucki has published extensively on archeology and numismatics: he is author and co-author of over 130 articles and over a dozen books, including Frühmittelalterliche Münzfunde aus Polen, a series of inventories containing early medieval findings of coins and hoards. This five-volume series, co-edited with Prof. Stanisław Suchodolski and Dr. Peter Ilisch, contains detailed information on 1146 archeological finds (hoards, grave and single finds) with over 255 000 historical objects.