Associate Professor at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw.
Marcin Pauk (born 1974 in Warsaw) accomplished PhD at the Institute of History, University of Warsaw (2005) with a thesis on the noble elite in the Czech Lands in the High Middle Ages and habilitation (2020) in history at the University of Warsaw. In 2017 Pauk completed also his Habilitation on basis of the research subject “The Ruler’s Church in the Central Europe (11th -13th Cent.): relations of secular and ecclesiastical power in their institutional and ideological aspects”. In his research, focused on political and religious culture, ecclesiastical and secular structures of power, religious foundations, Christianization processes and legal history of the East-Central Europe in 10th – 13th century, he employs a broad comparative perspective. Currently, alongside the ELITES Project, Pauk is about to complete his monography on chivalric migrations to the Czech Lands, and also leads translation project concerning “Chronicon Aulae Regiae”- one of the most extensive late medieval historiographical narratives in the East-Central Europe.
As a member of the ELITES team, he is going to focus on vital elements of medieval political culture in Poland and Norway during the High Middle Ages: legitimacy of power during dynastic divisions, conflict as a social process, means and role of peace-making.
His most important publications include:
- Działalność fundacyjna możnowładztwa czeskiego i jej uwarunkowania społeczne XI – XIII w. (2001);
- Funkcjonowanie regale fortyfikacyjnego w Europie Środkowej w średniowieczu (2004);
- Der böhmische Adel im 13. Jahrhundert: zwischen Herrschaftsbildung und Gemeinschaftsgefühl (2010);
- Moneta episcopalis. Episcopal Coinage in Poland and Bohemia and its German Context (2011); Das „Stiftungsprogramm der Schlesischen Piasten im 13. Jahrhundert und seine mitteleuropäischen Kontexte (2012);
- Capella regia i struktury Kościoła monarszego w Europie Środkowej X – XII wieku. Ottońsko-salickie wzorce ustrojowe na wschodnich rubieżach zachodniego chrześcijaństwa, (2014);
- The Coin in the Political Culture of the Middle Ages. On the Iconography of the Bohemian Deniers in the First Half of the Twelfth Century (2014);
- ”Ergo meum maximum et primum sit decretum”: Prawo kanoniczne i sądownictwo kościelne w tzw. Dekretach księcia Brzetysława I (2016);
- Eine Dynastie oder mehrere? Herrschaft und ihre Legitimation in der politischen Kultur Polens (12. – 13. Jahrhundert) (2016);
- Odciski palców św. Wojciecha. Kolekcja prawno-kanoniczna z kodeksu Heiligenkreuz 217 w praktyce duszpasterskiej biskupa praskiego na przełomie X i XI wieku (2020);
- „Regnum in se divisum”. Ku syntezie kultury politycznej Piastów doby dzielnicowej (2020).