Krzysztof Skwierczyński (b. 1971) is Professor and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Culture and Arts of the University of Warsaw. Previously (2004 – 2020) he was Associate Professor at the Department of Medieval History, Institute of History of the University of Warsaw, Deputy Director of the Institute (2012 – 2016) and Vice-Dean (2016 – 2020).
He completed his PhD at the Institute of History of the University of Warsaw with a thesis on the Gregorian reform (2004, supervisor: Prof. Roman Michałowski). In 2012 he completed his habilitation with a dissertation published as The walls of Sodom. Peter Damian’s Book of Gomorrah and fight against sodomy among clergy.
In 1997 – 2008 he was member of the editorial board for the history journal „Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi” (Rome). He is also member of the advisory editorial board for the „Memoria Europae” history journal (Argentina, Università di San Juan de la Frontera). Since 2019 Krzysztof Skwierczyński is the Editor-in-chief for the history journal “Przegląd Historyczny”.
His medievalist research interests include social history, sexuality as well as Church history, with a special emphasis on the influence of the Western Christianity on the Polish culture in the early Piast period.
His most important publications include:
- Recepcja idei gregoriańskich w Polsce do początku XIII wieku, Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej series, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2005 [Reception of the Gregorian ideas in Poland up to the early 13th century]
- Święty Piotr Damiani, Pisma monastyczne, (edition), Źródła Monastyczne 83, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Kraków 2018 [Saint Peter Damian, Monastic writings]
- Rudolf Glaber, Kroniki roku tysiącznego, (co-edition with M. T. Gronowski OSB), Źródła Monastyczne 90, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Kraków 2020 [Rodulfus Glaber, The Chronicles of the Year Thousand]
- Święty Piotr Damiani, Kazania o dziewicach, (edition) Źródła Monastyczne 91, Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów Tyniec, Kraków 2020 [Saint Peter Damian, Sermons on Virginity]