Assistant Professor at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw. Assistant Professor at the Department of History of the University of Silesia in Katowice.
Grzegorz Bartusik graduated in History and Classical Philology from the University of Silesia, and completed his PhD at the same university in 2020.
As a recipient of several international scholarships, he studied at universities in Greece (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2013), Norway (University of Oslo, 2014, University College of Southeast Norway, 2016), Iceland (University of Iceland, 2015, 2016, 2018), and Denmark (University of Copenhagen, 2017, 2019).
He presented his research at a number of international conferences (Zurich-Basel, 2015, Wolin, 2017, Reykjavik, 2015, 2018, Katowice, 2016, Durham, 2018, Cork, 2018, Bonn, 2020, Aarhus, 2017, Aberdeen, 2017).
He is a recipient of the PRELUDIUM grant from the National Science Centre (Poland) for the project ‘Dissemination of the Latin Conceptual Metaphors in the Old Norse-Icelandic literature as a Cognitive Manifestation of Christianization and Europeanization of the Mediaeval Scandinavia.’ He participates in the implementation of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities (Poland) grant with the project ‘The Polish critical edition of Heimskringla by Snorri Sturluson.’ He also contributes to the Polish medieval Latin corpus “eFontes. Electronic Corpus of Polish Medieval Latin” (The Institute of the Polish Language of the Polish Academy of Sciences).
His research interests include the Latin/Old Icelandic vernacular interfaces, the reception of antiquity in Old Norse-Old Icelandic literature and the Mediterranean in the worldview of the mediaeval Icelanders.
His most important publications include, among others, the book “Social Norms in Medieval Scandinavia” (Ed. J. Morawiec, A. Jochymek, G. Bartusik. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press – Amsterdam University Press, 2019), and the articles:
- Himna smiðr : the Ancient Hebrew Conceptual Metaphor GOD IS THE MAKER OF HEAVEN in the Old Icelandic Language and Literature as a Marker of Christianization in Iceland. “Scandia: Journal of Medieval Norse Studies” 2020, no. 3, pp. 64-101.
- Cultural Transfer of Cognitive Structures of Fortune in the Latin and Old Icelandic Literatures and Languages: The Case of the Metaphor Fortune is a Wheel. In: Social Norms in Medieval Scandinavia. Ed. J. Morawiec, A. Jochymek, G. Bartusik. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press – Amsterdam University Press, 2019, pp. 103-138.
- Humour and laughter in Sneglu-Halla þáttr, in: HistoRisus: Histories of Laughter and Laughter in History, ed. R. Borysławski, J. Jajszczok, J. Wolff and A. Bemben, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne 2016, pp. 119-138.
- Victor de victoribus? Von der militärischen Niederlage und dem moralischen Sieg von Marcus Atilius Regulus. “Scripta Classica” 2013, no. 10, pp. 85-106.
As a member of the ELITES team, Bartusik focuses on the problem of the legendary and historical past as discourses of il/legitimate kingship in Norway and Poland, as well as on the modes of elite legitimation of through adaptation of traditions from antiquity.