Adam of Bremen’s Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum
Co-edited by Grzegorz Bartusik
A book co-edited by our team member, Grzegorz Bartusik, was recently released by Routledge.
Available here.
‘Adam of Bremen’s Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. Origins, Reception and Significance’, edited By Grzegorz Bartusik, Radosław Biskup, Jakub Morawiec.
Adam of Bremen’s Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum is one of the most important accounts documenting the history, geography and ethnology of Northern and Central-Eastern Europe in the period between the ninth and eleventh centuries. Its author, a canon of the archdiocese of Hamburg-Bremen, remains an almost anonymous figure but his text is an essential source for the study of the early medieval Baltic. However, despite its undisputed status, past scholarship has tended to treat Adam of Bremen’s account as, on the one hand, an historically accurate document, but on the other, a literary artefact containing few, if any, reliable historical facts. The studies collected in this volume investigate the origins and context of the Gesta and will enable researchers to better understand and evaluate the historical veracity of the text.
(description: Routledge)