7th Congress of Polish Medievalists

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Katowice, 21-23 September 2022

Some of our team members presented their papers at the 7th Congress of Polish Medievalists:
Thursday 22.09:
10.00-10.20 dr hab. Marcin R. Pauk, prof. UW (Uniwersytet Warszawski): Per potentiam laicalem? Inwestytura biskupia w Polsce XII wieku.
11.35-11.55 dr Rafał Rutkowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski): Biblical and Greco-Roman genealogies in Medieval Poland and Norway.
Friday, 23.09:
10.20-10.40 dr hab. Grzegorz Pac (Uniwersytet Warszawski): Kobiety i świętość w średniowieczu – próba spojrzenia z lotu ptaka.
You will find more details here. 
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