The cult of St. Ludmila – Grzegorz Pac’s lecture
Our PI Grzegorz Pac gave a lecture during the international conference "Saint Ludmila - women in the christianization of Central Europe".
The online conference focused on the topics related to St. Ludmila took place from 26 to 27 May 2021.
The international conference aimed at increasing knowledge about the position and importance of women in the early Middle Ages, focusing on the period of the beginning of the Christianization of Central Europe. The inspiration for this conference is the significant anniversary of the death of St. Ludmila – the first historically documented woman, ruler and saint in Czech history.
On Thursday 27.05 Grzegorz Pac gave a lecture “The cult of St. Ludmila in medieval calendars”.
For more information look here and here.
Grzegorz Pac: Kult sv. Ludmily ve středověkých kalendářích – YouTube