Strategies of building the position of bishops in the post-Gregorian Europe (late 12th – early 13th centuries): Norway, Poland and Western Europe in a comparative perspective
Lecture by Jurek Pysiak
Lecture by our team member Jurek Pysiak – “Strategie budowania pozycji biskupów w Europie doby postgregoriańskiej (druga połowa XII wieku – pierwsza połowa XIII wieku) Norwegia, Polska i Europa Zachodnia w ujęciu porównawczym” took place during the Henryk Samsonowicz Medieval Seminar, Monday 13th June, 5.15 p.m., at the Faculty of History of the University of Warsaw (room A, 2nd floor).
[Strategies of building the position of bishops in the post-Gregorian Europe (late 12th – early 13th centuries): Norway, Poland and Western Europe in a comparative perspective].